Cousin Matt and Jeanne's wedding.
Playing with cousin Vincent.
We got to meet cousin Isabella who was only one week old.
Matt and Jeanne were sweet and held off on their honeymoon so they could spend some time with us. We went to Jones Beach.
Playing with cousin Juliana.
Sleeping on our 6.5 hour flight from NY to CA. So thankful you slept!
Papa pushing you on the swing at their house.
We went to visit Grammy at work.
We went to Happy Hollow with Gramma, Auntie Sam, Micah, and Nathan. We had a blast!
I think you were a little scared. Your arms look like you are holding on for dear life. Micah is enjoying the ride. :)
Papa, Grammy, and mommy took you to our favorite place the beach. You love the water! It was freezing cold but you still wanted to play in it.
Grammy taught you how to build sand castles.
We had dinner with the Sullivan's.
Aunt Susie had us over for a delicious breakfast.
Cuddle time with Grandpa.
We were there for cousin Nathan's first birthday. You had fun playing with his new presents.
I treasure these next three pictures of you loving on Nana!
With out any prompting you were so sweet and loving to Nana. Here you are kissing her hand. :)
Grammy came to Brentwood on her day off to have one last day with you.
Auntie Karla and Uncle Shannon came to see you too.
They love you so much!