Monday, March 26, 2012

New Year's Eve 2011

We flew from CA to Nashville, TN to spend New Year's with our good friends Sadie and Kevin. We got to meet Samuel for the first time too! :)

We went to ICE where everything is made of ice and you walk through and look at all the amazing sculptures. This year it was the Madagascar theme. Daddy is putting your mittens on so you don't freeze.

Making sure you are warm enough before we go in.

They keep it freezing inside so the ice doesn't melt so they give you these blue parkas to stay warm.

They even have slides made of ice. You went down all by yourself because they wouldn't let me hold you.

After we finished with ICE we walked around the Grand Ole Opry Hotel. It is a beautiful hotel and it was still decorated for Christmas. You loved these penguins!

The LOVE of my life!

Sadie is one of my bff's and has been for 12 years! So thankful for her friendship and the blessing she is in my life. Love you Sadie!!!

Samuel is adorable and we loved having time with him!

So fun to bring in the new year with great friends! Happy 2012!

Sadie's parents were so sweet and watched the boys so we could go on a date to the Melting Pot. So fun and delicious!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

20 Months

You turned 20 months old on Wednesday February 28th. This month was one of the most difficult and scary months of your life and ours. On February 1st I took you to your 18 month well check and mentioned to the Doctor that you had a cough and sounded like you were wheezing. Dr. Travis listened to your lungs and could hear that you were wheezing and having trouble breathing. They gave you two breathing treatments and sent us home with a prescription for albuterol to use with my nebulizer, an asthma medicine and a steroid to strengthen your lungs. Later that day when you woke up from your nap you had a temp of 104.5 and you were working really hard to breathe. I was so scared so I called your Doctor and they said you needed to go to the ER. I called Daddy and he got to the hospital before we even did. They evaluated you, did blood work, and gave you more breathing treatments. They did a chest X Ray and that came back with some concern. The ER Doctor saw something that could possibly be pneumonia so they did another chest X Ray and it turned out what he saw was the cord from your breathing treatment and you didn't have pneumonia. Praise the Lord! They sent us home with an antibiotic. It was so sad to see you with a mask on getting breathing treatments. It was also really scary to know you were having a hard time breathing. Due to the albuterol and steroids you were bouncing off the walls and aggressive. It was hard to see you that way because you are usually really sweet. Friday morning at 2:30 you woke up crying and you were having such a hard time breathing that we decided to take you back to the ER. They did similar treatments as before and another X Ray. Nothing was showing up in the X Ray or blood work. This time you were not responding as well to the breathing treatments. You were working really hard to breathe and your oxygen levels were low and your pulse was high. They gave you a shot of a super strong steroid. After being there for a few hours the Doctor told us you needed to go to Dell Children's Hospital by ambulance. We were so scared and worried about you. I was terrified of the unknown. They would only allow one of us to ride in the ambulance with you so Daddy let me go with you and he drove behind. The two paramedics were so nice and helped mommy better understand how your condition. They explained that children that need 1 liter of oxygen are struggling, 2 liters is bad, and 3 is really bad. That was comforting to know that you needed 1 and weren't as bad as I was imagining. You did great on the ambulance ride and they were impressed with how well you let them work on you. The Children's Hospital was great. All of the Doctor's and nurses were so nice to you. They even gave you a nice book and train to take home. We weren't at the hospital long when they were able to take you off of the oxygen. They cleaned out your nose and ran some more tests. At this point they were monitoring your pulse and breaths per minute. We had all been up since 2:30 AM and by this point it was 8 AM. As much as I do not like hospitals I felt at peace knowing we were there and if you needed anything they were right there to help you. When it comes to breathing it is so scary because it can get really bad fast. As the day went on you seemed like you were getting better but you were tired from not sleeping and tired of being in the room. Gramma and Grandpa sent you sweet cards and cool balloons with a toy laptop. You loved them and that helped keep you entertained. Thank you Gramma and Grandpa! We were released around 4:30 PM with a diagnosis of an upper respiratory infection bronchiolitis. We were home for about three hours and had to go back to the ER because you were breathing 55 breaths per minute. Even though we were just discharged from the hospital we had to go to the ER and wait and wait and wait. Four hours later we were finally seen. The Doctor was surprised that you had a full blown double ear infection and no one caught it before. You had a high fever and they knew the fever was making you work harder to breathe so they treated the fever and monitored you. It is now early Saturday morning and we have been in the ER twice since Wednesday, an ambulance ride, hospital stay, and back to the ER. None of us have slept much at all in the past three days. We were exhausted and worried because you weren't getting better. All we could do was pray and ask God to heal you. You had all of our family and friends praying for you. All your grandparents called you in the hospital including Great Grandma Lambert and Aunt Leslie. Auntie Murphy, Auntie Sam, Auntie Jen, and Uncle Paul all called to check on you. Everyone was very concerned about you. We all love you so much! We thought you were on the mend but every time you finished your antibiotic your fever would come back. First it was because your ear infection didn't completely go away and then your fever and cough came back. We went back to the Doctor and he said you probably have asthma but you're too young to diagnose so you were put on an inhaler twice a day and will be on it through March. Then you had a fever again so we went back to the Doctor and this time you had the beginning stages of pneumonia so you were put on another antibiotic. Thankfully we caught it early! A week later everyone in our family including Gramma got the stomach flu. :( Just what we all needed. At your last follow up appointment Dr. Travis said your lungs sounded crystal clear. :) YAY FINALLY! After a month of being so sick and at the Doctors every week you were finally better. :) Praise be to God for healing you and bringing our family through the most difficult month we have had. I thank God for all of our family and friends that showed us love and support during this difficult time. I thank God for you everyday. You and Daddy are the most precious gifts that I have ever been given. I love you Timothy James more than words can say and I ALWAYS will!

I love this picture of you and Daddy! I was sad because I had to say good bye to our dear friend Sena because they were moving and Daddy sent this picture to me and said, "You will always have us". How could I not smile? :) So very thankful for you two!

Your first of many breathing treatments. :(

First ER visit from this month but second one in your life. A lot of people stopped by to see who the cute little boy was. One lady even brought you crackers. You make friends everywhere you go. :)

Through the blinds you can see your chest X ray

This was your bed/crib at Dell Children's Hospital.

The cool balloons that Gramma and Grandpa sent you.

Aunt Sam, Uncle Chris and cousin Micah came to visit us. Sad I didn't get a picture of you with all of them. You talk about your cousin Micah every single day. It is so cute how much you love him. Thank you Aunt Sam for coming to visit us! We love you guys!

The tradition lives on. Daddy putting whipped cream on your hand so you can lick it off just like Grandpa use to do for Daddy. :) You now love whipped cream!

Happy Valentine's Day! I took you to get a cookie for a special treat because cookies are you favorite. There was a lot I wanted to do to make this day special for you and Daddy but I ended up sick with the stomach flu, which is why there aren't more pictures of you in your cute Valentine's Day shirt. I think you still had a fun day though. :)

Mommy had sinus surgery and when I came home after my surgery I had a bandage under my nose and you were so worried about me. You would scrunch your nose and say tissue in the sweetest voice. We love your sweet spirit!

You take after mommy and like spicy food! You also like to "dip it" as you say.

Again I'm sad that I dropped the ball and didn't take more pictures of Gramma's visit. She flew all the way out here to take care of you so mommy could have surgery. She also did the shopping, cooked, and cleaned so mommy could recover. Thank you Gramma for everything you do for us! We love you so very much! And on a side note, because you were so sick for so long you were losing weight and the Doctor said we need to fatten you up. Thanks to Gramma you got all of the cookies, chocolate, and em em's (as you say it) that you wanted and now have her to thank for your weight gain. ;)

You love to read books. You like to sit in your chair or sit on our laps and read.

You are so sweet and loving!

I love you baby boy!

You were never much of a climber until today when I was cleaning our room and you climbed onto your changing table. You are so big and I can not believe you will be two in four months! You will always be my baby no matter how old you are! :)

Happy 20 month birthday Timmy! Mommy and Daddy love you!

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