Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oh happy day!

Today is a very happy day because after Timmy having a fever for 17 days he has now been fever free for 3 days! : ) Praise the Lord! We are still praying for complete healing over his little body. He started almost three weeks ago with a fever and a rash. The doctor said it was a virus, the rash went away after a few days but the fever never went away. It was a low grade fever that would come and go throughout the day. I thought he was just teething but once we hit the two week mark I called his doctor again. They did blood work, UA and a chest X-ray. All of the tests came back normal. I thought that was a good sign and it was, but his doctor was concerned because there wasn't a source for his fever. Then last Friday Timmy had a fever of 104.8 and was clearly sick. We went back to the doctor (third time that week) and they checked him for strep throat. It came back negative. Dr. Travis said that if his fever continues through the weekend the next step would be to go to the center of infectious disease. I was terrified. My poor son has been sick for so long and they don't know what is wrong with him. My mind kept thinking the worst. His fever got worse over the weekend not better. How can it get worse that 104.8??? It did and all we could do was pray that he would get better before Monday so that we didn't have to go to infectious disease. He woke up Monday morning without a fever but then that afternoon he had a low fever. Thankfully the doctor said to monitor him and if he had a fever of 100.4 or above to call. My mom flew in Monday night which is a total blessing to have her here during all of this! I went to the doctor Tuesday morning because my heart has been palpitating and having chest pain and I was pretty sure it was due to stress and it was. When I got back from the doctor my mom showed me a rash that developed on Timmy's torso. She thought it was Roseola and after reading about it I agreed. The doctor wants us to keep monitoring him and if the fever comes back then we will need to go to infectious disease BUT he has been fever free for three days now and I'm praying that he is on the mend. Ever since Timmy was in the hospital in February he hasn't been able to stay healthy. In the past three months he has had an upper respiratory infection, double ear infection, pneumonia, stomach flu, a virus and roseola. Poor boy can't catch a break. :( And his parents are feeling worn down too. My heart is acting up and I'm losing hair for heavens sakes. I just want my sweet boy to be 100% better and to stay healthy. Please pray for complete healing for Timmy and strength for our family. I want to thank all of our family, friends, and church who have been praying for us and checking on us! We are blessed by each one of you. Thank you!


  1. You & your family are in my prayers Kristen. xoxo

  2. God Bless you all. We in the Silva household are praying daily and will continue to do so.

  3. I am so sorry you have gone through all of this. We will pray for complete healing.

  4. Dad and I love you three!!!!. Gods healing blessings on you three.
    Mom & Dad

  5. Oh my! So sorry you all are going through this. Praying for total healing!
