Saturday, May 5, 2012

22 Months

I can not believe you will be 2 in two months! Where has the time gone? You are becoming much more independent and losing that small amount of baby look that you still had. We think you keep getting cuter. :) You still have my curly hair and my eyes. From your nose up you look like me and nose down is all your daddy. Even your feet look like his just smaller, but not by much. You wear a size 8 and you're not even 2 yet. You wear 3T shirts and 2T shorts/pants. The 3T is a little big for you but 2T shirts aren't long enough. Because you have been to the Doctor so often I know that you weight 29 pounds. We will have to wait until your 2 year well check to get the rest of your stats. You still sleep 7am to 7pm and take one nap a day. You go down between 12:30 and 1:00 and sleep for a little over an hour. You had a few weeks where you were napping for two hours and it was amazing but it didn't last long. I don't know how you last all day with the amount of energy that you have on just an hour long nap but you do. You are a happy, silly, sweet boy. I hope that never changes! You are talking so well now and will repeat anything we say. My favorite saying of your is "here baby". A lot of the time when I hand you something I say "here baby" and so now you say it when you want something. It is super funny to hear you say "here baby here baby" over and over. :) You have learned to count to four and the other day you counted how many trains you had. You can say the alphabet with help. You are learning your shapes and colors. Your favorite shape right now seems to be a triangle. You enjoy coloring and "drawing". You can throw a ball super hard! I took a ball to the face and know exactly just how hard you can throw. I'm hoping that means you inherited your Papa's arm. He was a professional pitcher in AAA so it's very possible. You still love to read books. Your favorite books are your Bible, Mickey Mouse, and anything with trucks, planes or fire engines. Gramma and Grandpa Murphy gave you a toy Mini Cooper and that has become your favorite car. You point them out when we are driving and the way you say Mini Cooper sounds a lot like how you say cement mixer. You like to tell us what you see when we are driving and you will keep repeating it until we acknowledge what you are saying.

This month started with Grandpa Murphy visiting then Grammy Lambert came to visit and at the end of the month the two of us drove to San Antonio to visit some of my good friends that are like our family, the Bishops. It was so special to have you meet them! You were also really sick again this month. It started with a rash and fever and they said it was a virus. The rash went away after a few days but you had a low grade fever on and off for two weeks. At the two week mark I took you back to the doctor. They did blood work, a UA, and chest X-ray. Thankfully all of the test came back normal. Dr. Travis was still concerned because there was no source for your fevers. Then your fever got up to 104.8 and you were super sick. We went back to the doctor and the only thing he found was your throat was red. Your test for strep came back negative. After a few days your fever went away and a rash appeared. Grammy was here and said it looked like Roseola. I read about it and you had all of the symptoms. Once the Roseola went away you were fever free for one week and then the low grade fever came back. :( We didn't have to go to infectious disease because the doctor thought it was teething and we did too. So that is where we stand now. Dr. Travis said we can stop taking your temp and to only take it if you are acting sick or feel really hot. We are praying that your body will recover and that your immune system will build back up. You were sick for so long and not able to do anything fun because of it so we are making up for that. :)

Grandpa Murphy took some great pictures of you but we don't have any of you with him. :( Here is a cute one of you and daddy.

Grandpa showed you this picture of your curls and when you saw it you said "mommy". You thought it was my hair. :)

We love you Grandpa! Thank you for coming to visit us!

We bought you this wagon at our friends garage sale and you love to go for rides in it! I love our neighborhood.

This was taken when you were sick and having a hard time sleeping.

Grumpy face needs a haircut!

Before haircut

After :)

You had so much fun coloring Easter eggs! More pictures of Easter in the Easter post.

Your adorable Easter outfit from Gramma and Grandpa.

This is when we learned that you had a hidden stash of Easter candy.

Had to get a picture of you next to the firetruck before we went shopping.

Cute chubby hands!

This was on mommy and daddy's 9 year dating anniversary. Grammy watched you so that we could go out on a nice date.

We wanted to do something fun while Grammy was here so went to the Waco Zoo. We were also celebrating you being 5 days fever free.

There is a big brown bear behind us. When you saw it you wanted me to hold you...I guess it scared you.

I love this picture!

We love you Grammy! Thank you for coming to visit us!

You have gotten a lot better at feeding yourself with a fork and spoon.

Sena, Asher and Addalie came to visit (meet their new nephew/cousin) and we got to have lunch with her. It was so fun to be together again and you are still talking about lunch with Sena. :) We miss and love you, Sena!

I made you chocolate chip pancakes and this was after you enjoyed them.

So thankful for the time we had with Derek and Malinda! They hold a special place in my heart and it meant so much to see them and have them meet you.

We love you Derek and Malinda!

Timmy still talks about 1, 2, 3 and swinging in the air with you guys. :)

Thank you for making time to visit with us!

Happy 22 month birthday, Timmy! Mommy loves you!

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