Thursday, January 20, 2011

6 months old!

Timothy turned 6 months old on December 28th. I'm really late in writing this update because we were in CA, then Timothy was sick, and then we had company.

A few days before you turned six months we gave you solid food for the first time. It was on Christmas morning and you had rice cereal. You loved it! Most of this month you still just had six ounces of formula and cereal once a day. You still sleep twelve hours at night, but when we were in CA you had a hard time adjusting to the time difference. We stayed in four different homes so you got really good at sleeping anywhere in your pack n play. You fit best in size 9 month clothes. Your Grandma Connie bought you a cute outfit for Christmas in size 12 months and it is a little big on you, but won't be for long. You are learning to sit up on your own and how to eat solid food. You learned how to give kisses and they are so sweet! You learned how to suck on your toes and you always have something in your mouth. When you are playing on the floor you lift your arms and legs and kick like crazy. You can push up on your arms and you are getting stronger every day. You had a busy month. You flew to CA with mommy. You had Motrin for the first time, stayed in the church nursery for the first time at Grandma & Grandpa Murphy's church, and you had your first Christmas. Your sixth month doctor appointment was late since we were in CA, but everything went well. You weigh 20 pounds and you are 29 inches long. You are in the 95th percentile for your height and in the 85th percentile for your weight. You are still a sweetheart! Your smile melts our heart and we love you so very much! Here are some pictures from your sixth month.

22 weeks old today! 11-29-10

I love your chubby little legs!

Wearing your Daddy's old shirt

Your sweet face always makes me smile

23 weeks old today! 12-6-10. This might be mean of me, but I think this picture is so funny. You were not happy with me.

This was one of your last baths in this tub because you have out grown it.

You can hold your own bottle, but you are still learning how to tilt it up.

Your new friend, Asher, was born and we went to the hospital to meet him.

Having fun on Auntie Karla and Uncle Shannon's bed.

25 weeks old today! 12-20-10

Practicing sitting up by yourself.

One of my favorite pictures of you!

Merry 1st Christmas sweet baby! 12-25-10

Eating solid food for the first time! 12-25-10

26 weeks old today! 12-27-10

You have out grown your infant seat :( You have reached the height limit so we need to get you a big boy car seat now.

Happy 6 month birthday baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you always and forever!

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