Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Timmy is 2!

It is so hard to believe that you are already 2 years old. Sometimes it is hard to remember my life without you in it and then other times it feels like just yesterday you were born. In these last two years I have had more love, more fear, and pure joy because of your precious little life. You are a sweet boy and so loving. You will give hugs to people with a sweet smile on your face all on your own. You learned how to put your arms around us and squeeze and those hugs melt our heart. :) You will say "I love you" without any prompting. You like to tell stories of things that have happened. Like when I was putting you to bed and you heard Daddy mowing the lawn. You were crying so I got you up to say good night and I was yelling out the window from upstairs but Daddy couldn't hear us because he had music in his ears. Here is your version, "Daddy mowing the lawn, Josh Josh, Daddy can't hear music in ears". You even use a high voice when you do my voice. :)
You will repeat any sentence we tell you. You say "crap bad word" and it is really funny but we don't want you using that word. I don't think you quite understand what a bad word means. You have an amazing memory! You are well mannered. We were at a restaurant eating in CA and a man came up to our table to say you won't fit into society because you have manners. He was so impressed that when you bumped into him you said "sorry".
We sometimes call you baby deo (long and embarrassing story) and we use a sweet voice and now you will say "baby deo honey honey" and now you call me mommy deo. I love it! Just something silly and sweet that the three of us share.
You like to tell mommy and daddy to "lay down right there" and point to the spot. You like to cuddle in the mornings and say "take a nap" which means cuddle with us in our bed or you say "I lay down on mommy". You love your brown blanket and it is getting raggedy because you bite it. When you go to sleep you have to have your brown blanket, pillow, Tiny Tim (frog), and your little elephant.
You like to sing and dance AKA shake your booty. Your favorite songs are Pat the Bible, Hallelujah and Higher higher. Your favorite show is Bubble Guppies but it is rare for you to sit still for an entire episode. You love firetrucks, cement mixers, tractors, Mini Coopers and Mickey Mouse. Your favorite books are your Bible, hockey books, and any book with trucks, tractors or Mickey Mouse. You like to play games on my iPad and iPhone. It is crazy to me that you know how to push the button, swipe it and pick the game all by yourself. Your favorite apps are talking Ben, Twinkle Star and Baby touch and hear.
Your favorite foods are watermelon, strawberries, bananas, cantaloupe, mac n cheese and hot dogs. You are not a big fan of meat. You will eat ham lunch meat and nuggets but you don't love them. You drink milk and water.
You go to bed at 7:30pm and sleep until 7:30am. You take a nap at 12:45 because for some reason at that time you nap best and you usually sleep 1-1.5 hours.
You are in the 90% for height and 75% for weight. You weigh
30# 8oz and you are 36in tall. You wear 3T shirts and 2T shorts/pants and you wear a size 8 shoe.

We were in CA for your birthday and it was so special to have all our family there to help us celebrate your life.

We took you for a drive in Grandpa's Mini Cooper to get you donuts the morning of your birthday.

9:55am (Texas time, 7:55am CA time) the exact time you were born. : )

18 family members drove to San Francisco for your birthday. We ate lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe and then walked Pier 39. It was so much fun to all be together on this special day!

Uncle Jason giving you some love.

Papa showing you the cool animals.

Gramma, Auntie Sam, cousins Micah and Nathan and some of our NY cousins Russell, Brianna and Isabella all came.

Papa, Grammy, Uncle Jason, Auntie Erin, cousins Elyssa, Madisson, Randy and Zach all came.

They sang happy birthday to you and gave you a ice cream sandwich with a candle in it.

Enjoying your special day

After our fun day in SF we went to Nana's house so she could wish you a happy birthday and give you a present.

4 generations!

Flashback from birth to now...

One year

2 years...

Happy birthday Timothy James! We love you so much that there are no words. Always know that our heart is overwhelmed with love for you!

Love always and forever,
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. My sweet timmy..I love you so much! You are a joy to be with and love..... happy 2nd birthday!
